Fenland Family History Society
The Fenland Family History Society was founded in 2001 to promote and encourage the study of family, local and social history. We will help with research for family history from anywhere in the world, but can offer resources with particular reference to persons having lived in, or having been associated with, the historical area now known as Fenland.
Fenland comprises the former Isle of Ely, parts of South Lincolnshire and West Norfolk.
The Society also aims to promote and encourage the preservation, security and accessibility of archival material. We have a strong working relationship with the Wisbech and Fenland Museum.
We are a young society but already have over 150 members from all parts of the UK as well as Canada, USA and Australia.
Fenland FHS is a member of the East Anglia Group of the Federation of Family History Societies.
The Society meets at 19:00hrs on the fourth Thursday of each month (except August and December) at Wisbech Library (Ely Place, Wisbech PE13 1EU) unless otherwise stated.
We have a full programme, including speakers, members’ evenings and outings. An archive of reports of previous years meetings is available. We can be found at promotional events throughout the year.
Fenland Family History Society publishes transcriptions of memorial inscriptions (also known as monumental inscriptions MIs) recorded by the Society at churchyards, parochial (civil) cemeteries and inside churches; transcriptions of parish registers; and images of the pages of parish registers recorded by the Society. These are all published on CD-ROM in the universal PDF format (except as shown) with Adobe Acrobat reader included.
Members’ Interests
A list of members’ interests can be found HERE
Member’s contact details are not shared wothout consent, but if you have a query, please email the Membership Secretary with the reference from the list and your enquiry will be passed on.